Riccardo Mariani
Riccardo Mariani, head of industry safety at NVIDIA, is widely recognized as an expert in functional safety. He is responsible for driving safety alignment across NVIDIA automotive and embedded teams, including for industrial, robotics and healthcare. Riccardo develops cohesive safety strategies and cross-segment safety processes, architecture and products that can be used across NVIDIA AI-based hardware and software platforms. He has leadership positions in international standardization initiatives such as part lead of ISO 26262-11, convenor of MT 61508-1/2, subgroup lead of ISO/PAS 8800 and editor of ISO/IEC TR 5469. He is chair of the IEEE Functional Safety Standards Committee. He received the 2021 Ron Waxman DASC Meritorious Service Award.
Usando o Poder da IA para Tornar as Fábricas Mais Seguras
À medida que a automação industrial aumenta, a segurança se torna um desafio maior e prioridade para as empresas. A segurança engloba múltiplos aspectos: Segurança do sistema: Uma busca racional… Leia o artigo