Tenika Versey Walker
Tenika Versey Walker is a distinguished marketing leader with over 15 years of expertise AI and technology marketing. She is the global head of sustainable futures for the NVIDIA Inception program, where she spearheads marketing initiatives in collaboration with AI-accelerated startups while nurturing connections with experts within the NVIDIA community. She serves on the Board of Directors at the Seattle Aquarium, on the Advisory Board for Black Women in Venture Capital, and on the Industry Advisory Board for Duke University's Master of Engineering in Cybersecurity program. She earned her MBA from Brown University and completed her undergraduate studies at the University of Washington.
Pioneiros do Clima: 3 Startups Aproveitando as Plataformas de IA e Earth-2 da NVIDIA
Para ajudar a mitigar as mudanças climáticas, um dos maiores desafios da humanidade, os pesquisadores estão se voltando para a IA e a computação sustentável para acelerar e operacionalizar seu… Leia o artigo