Alex McCaskey
Alex McCaskey is a Senior Quantum Computing Software Architect at NVIDIA. His work is focused on programming models, compilers, and languages for heterogeneous quantum-classical computing. He is the lead for several open-source quantum software projects, including the XACC system-level quantum framework and the QCOR quantum-classical C++ compiler platform. He received B.Sc. degrees in 2010 in physics and mathematics from the University of Tennessee, and a M.Sc. degree in physics from the Virginia Polytechnic and State University in 2014.
O Caminho para o Data Center Híbrido Quantum/HPC Começa Aqui
Chegou a hora de começar a criar os computadores quânticos híbridos do futuro. A motivação é convincente, o caminho é claro e os principais componentes para o trabalho estão disponíveis… Leia o artigo